Suburb Profile

Herston Buyers Agent’s Guide

Are you looking to purchase a home or investment property in Herston? As a HerstonBuyers Agent we’d be happy to help and have compiled the following suburb profile for your information. Best wishes with your Herstonproperty purchase!

Herston Suburb Profile

Herstonis an inner-city suburb located 3km north of the Brisbane CBD. The suburb is best known for the Herston Health Precinct (home to the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital) and the Victoria Park Golf Complex. Herston is bordered by the suburbs of Kelvin Grove, Newmarket, Wilston, Windsor, Bowen Hills, Spring Hill and Petrie Terrace

The population of Herstonin 2016 was around 2,216 and continues to grow. 35.5% of households in Herston are owner occupied and consistent predominantly of professional couples without children aged 20-29.

The closest shops are in the Kelvin Grove Urban Village and nearby Newmarket Village on Enoggera Road.

Herston is conveniently located on the Inner Northern Busway. There are two bus stations in Herston: one on Herston Road; and the other on Bowen Bridge Road close to the Herston Health Precinct.

The area is close to some of the best private and public schools including St Joseph’s College, All Hallows School, Brisbane Grammar School, Brisbane Girls Grammar School, St James College, Kelvin Grove State College and Brisbane Central State School.

Herston is known for the beautiful Victoria Park Golf Complex which takes up almost half of the suburb’s area. The golf course will be redeveloped into parklands over the next few years which is welcome news for local residents.

The Herston Health Precinct is a major local employer that is currently undergoing significant expansion. The precinct is home to a major hospital, other medical service providers, the University of Queensland, and other training and research centres. Once completed, the precinct will also include a private hospital, aged care facility, residential and student accommodation, retail, commercial and recreational spaces.

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Herston Properties

Traffic noise can be an issue for properties close to major thoroughfares including Herston Road and Bowen Bridge Road. Streets surrounding the Herston Health Precinct can also be quite busy, particularly during business hours.

Buyers should check the Brisbane City Council Flood Maps, as some areas (especially around Butterfield Street) are susceptible to flooding.

Housing type and typical block size

Only 39% of properties in Herstonare free standing houses.

The suburb is particularly well known for its Queenslander style houses. These timber character homes were built in the early 1900s. Typical block size in the area ranges from 400m2 to 600m2.

What can my money buy in Herston?

Herston House Prices

The median house price in Herston is $960,000 which is well above Brisbane’s median.

The median house price in Herston would typically buy a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house on a 283m2 block. For example: 134 Butterfield St, Herston, Qld 4006 – sold for $1,000,000 in Aug 2021 (click to view listing and see images below).

Buying a house in Herston

Herston Unit Prices

The median unit price in Herston is: $540,500.

This amount would typically buy a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom, townhouse in an older style complex. For example: 13/35 Clyde Road, Herston, Qld 4006 – $535,000 in 25 Jun 2021 (click to view listing and see images below)

Buying an Investment property in Herston

How has the Herston property market been performing?

In the last 5 years the median house price has increased by 26.3%. Over the last 10 years, house prices have increased by 2.9% per annum.

Units in Herston have seen more modest price growth. In the last 5 years the median price of units has increased by 10%. On average, over the last 10 years unit prices have increased by 2.4% per annum.

Supply and demand characteristics for Herston

  • Average Days on Market: Houses 16 days. Units: 10 days.
  • On average houses and units are both selling 8% above their list price.
  • The average rental yield for houses is 2.75%, compared to 3.7% for units.

**Statistics are accurate for December 2021

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