Top 5 reasons to use a Brisbane Buyers Agent

Top 5 reasons to use a Brisbane Buyers Agent

Matt Reeves is a licensed buyer’s agent and the founder of Your Property Hound.  Matt gives us his top 5 reasons why investors should use a Buyers Agent for their next property purchase:

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Brisbane Home Buyers Agent

Your time is precious

Purchasing property is a time-consuming process.  Viewing 50-100 properties will give you a good indication of what is available and how much properties are selling for.  If you are prepared to view 5 properties every Saturday then you could be ready to buy in 3-5 months time.   Are you prepared to give up your weekends?

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Avoid paying too much

An experienced buyers agent understands market conditions and is knowledgeable about comparable sales. They are trained and experienced in property negotiation.  Using a buyer’s agent guarantees you the best possible purchase price, and could easily amount to a savings of $50,000 on the purchase of a $500,000 property.  How well can you negotiate with a selling agent?

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Understand the numbers

Rental return, capital depreciation, and ongoing costs (e.g. maintenance, rates, body corporate and insurances etc.) vary significantly between different locations, property types (unit, house, townhouse) and the age of the dwelling.  Poor property selection will result in significant holding costs and can create financial stress for investors.   A buyer’s agent can help you determine how much a property will cost you before you purchase.

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Keep your sanity (and your relationship!)

Purchasing property is a stressful and emotional experience.  Buyers quickly become frustrated having to deal with selling agents and disillusioned if they cannot find the “right” property, or they lose out to a higher-bidder. Using a buyer’s agent can help to maintain an investors focus and objectivity, and bring the enjoyment back to property hunting!

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Location! Location! Location!

You may be familiar with the property market in the suburbs around where you live – but is this the best place to be investing?  Often investors miss out on great opportunities simply because they don’t know where to buy, or are put-off by the practical difficulties of buying in another area or town.  A buyers agent can help identify the best locations to purchase and can perform the legwork on your behalf!

Matt Reeves is a licensed buyer’s agent and the founder of Your Property Hound.  Matt has been active in the Brisbane property market since 2004 as a homeowner, property investor and buyer’s advocate.  Unlike many buyers’ agents in Brisbane, Matt’s background is not as a sales agent.  Matt trained as a veterinarian and worked as a specialist treating thousands of cats and dogs (and their owners!) in Brisbane’s northern suburbs.  As a buyers’ agent, Matt uses a rational, logical, ‘scientific approach’ to property research.  This empowers his clients to make an informed decision without any high-pressure ‘sales tactics’.

If you are interested in buying property in Brisbane or Regional Queensland, contact Matt Reeves on 0422 303 103.  Contact us.

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